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Final issue of 'The World's Most Beautiful Melodies' series which ran for 15 volumes.

3CD Set
Released January 1997
Cat No.: RDCD1491-3  RDC93161-3
RD Code: MUPO 015
Series Code 062
Compilation by M Moritz, Production by P Marchant

1             Showpieces for Orchestra

Pictures At An Exhibition(Mussorgsky, orch. Ravel)
1 - Promenade
2 - The Gnome
3 - Promenade
4 - The Old Castle
5 - Promenade
6 - Tuileries
7 - Bydlo (The Ox - Cart)
8 - Promenade
9 - Ballet Of The Unhatched Chickens
10 - Samuel Goldenburg And Schmulye
11 - Market Place At Limoges
12 - Catacombs
13 - Baba - Jaga (The Hut On Fowls' Legs)
14 - The Great Gate At Kiev
National Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Leonard Slatkin

Enigma Variations, Op.36(Elgar)
15 - Enigma
16 - I (C.A.E)
17 - II (H.D.S.–P.)
18 - III (R.B.T.)
19 - IV (W.M.B.)
20 - V (R.P.A.)
21 - VI (Ysobel)
22 - VII (Troyte)
23 - VIII (W.N.)
24 - IX (Nimrod)
25 - X (Dorabella)
26 - XI (G.R.S.)
27 - XII (B.G.N.)
28 - XIII (***) Romanza
29 - XIV (E.D.U.) Finale
English Symphony Orchestra conducted by William Boughton

2             Fate and Destiny

1 - Francesca Da Rimini, Op. 32 - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Charles Munch (Tchaikovsky)
2 - Les Préludes - New Symphony Orchestra of London conducted by Sir Adrian Boult (Liszt)
3 - Hamlet, Fantasy Overture, Op. 67 - Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra (Katowice) conducted by Adrian Leaper (Tchaikovsky)
4 - The Wild Huntsman (Le Chasseur Maudit) - RCA Symphony Orchestra conducted by Massimo Freccia (Franck)

3             Sound and Spectacle

Roman Festivals (Fontane Di Roma)(Respighi)
1 - Circus Maximus
2 - The Jubilee
3 - The October Festival
4 - The Epiphany
New Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by Massimo Freccia

Rapsodie Espagnole(Ravel)
5 - Prélude À La Nuit
6 - Malagueña
7 - Habañera
Orchestra Filarmonica di Roma conducted by René Leibowitz

Escales (Ports Of Call)(Ibert)
9 - Rome – Palermo
10 - Tunis – Nefta
Orchestra Filarmonica di Roma conducted by René Leibowitz

12 - An American In Paris - National Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Morton Gould (Gershwin)

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