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100,000 and climbing!


We've just gone over the 100,000 page hits mark and I'm really pleased that so many of you are finding this listing useful. 
One of the most enjoyable parts of writing this blog is receiving the many comments and questions that I get. I admit I don't answer all of them, but I do reply to all that I can, so please give me a contact address if possible, so I don't have to reply on the blog comments page if it isn't of general interest to other readers. PLEASE NOTE that you really should read the whole of the introduction (FULL INDEX) page before contacting me first, as I really don't have much information on any products created after 2003 OR non-UK packs.
As I said before, there’s still a long way to go in listing the output of RDUK, and I’ll continue as long as there’s interest in the blog and I can continue to pay the bills (any financial help is always welcome). I've just added some links to audio samples of some of the sets, and new listings are always being added. Future plans will include adding some other features within the posts and once the listings are completed, I’ll be putting up chronological and code sorted reference guides to make it easier to find the collections you’re interested in. Any other suggestions to improve the site are also welcome (impolite messages will be ignored!)
Please keep sending personal emails to sfcpres99 @ googlemail.com (no gaps), and, as always, any donations to this PayPal address, or the 'buy me a coffee' link at the top of the page, really do help me to keep this thing going.
Thanks again for your support…..SFC Pres

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